I have been neglectful here

I truly apologize for that, but most of my time has been eaten up by very pressing things, such as the day job, full time content production, and caring for those who need me most. I had plans on doing a photo update for SANVS, and though I am keeping the motions with it, I just have not had the time to really take pics and obviously post.

What has been eating my time

My Day job, as I am an unpaid content creator, has been feast or famine with workload and hours available for said workload.

I have been living paycheck to paycheck, cutting corners where I can and grabbing at straws for a side hustle.

Helping my mother manage herself away from Type 2 Diabetes using food and activity, no pharmaceuticals has also soaked much of my free time.

It is also why I have not continued the Meditations Series as I had hoped, however, there is a glimmer of hope with that, I will explain:


At the beginning of the new year I will have to end my lease, the company is raising rent far beyond where I could continue to afford, and my partner has to get to a place where she can get her hands on her medicine for epilepsy. This concurrence means I will be relocating to Oregon, where the person who manufactures her medicine is located.

That being said, the plan is to get unincorporated land there, and to homestead it, with the potential to build a location for a community in the future.

The glimmer of hope in this is that there will be a true to life test run of all the meditation content, as well as the opportunity to expand that content with other off grid applications that will be necessary as part of the homesteading. This content will be video based, probably require more production time, but will give everyone the possibility to see what I am talking about, as opposed to my shoddy diagrams. Some of the potential content for this coming year (2024) includes:

  • Much awaited Solar Power Series will be coming
  • A Tiny Home Building Series
  • Building With Cob
  • Creating a Garden in the High Desert

The current content is found here

The Move

The other end of this is that I am in a tight spot, I am not a paid content creator, and the day job leaves me in a bad spot to have to relocate, I am asking for help via Go Fund Me, called Donna’s Relocation Fund.

Donna has Epilepsy, and prior to leaving pharmaceuticals behind, conventional medicine had a nasty list of side effects including Steven Johnson’s Syndrome. Even with that, these Big Pharma drugs did little to nothing to prevent seizures.

In her travels she encountered FECO Oil, and found a medicine woman who derived a specific blend that had taken her from 50 to 100 seizures daily to seizure free for over 3 years!

Of Course with the legality being tenuous in certain states, and illegal federally, acquiring this medicine is another stress factor, hence the relocation.

These Funds will be used to:

  • An RV as a home and transport vehicle to the final destination
  • Transport Expenses
  • Resettlement Expenses
  • Finances to pad the gap I will have in employment

To Participate all you need to do is click on the above link to Go Fund Me and hit the Donate button. If you could share the link on your socials, that would be awesome, I understand the time of year is pretty bad for asking for help, but if you can, much appreciated.

Interactive Content

In addition to the regular content I am providing, I am also hosting a Discord Server where I will be live periodically, as opposed to the current one sided content I provide currently, this will be much more listener interactive with the opportunity to bring listeners on live to also add to the experience.

If this experience is interesting to you, Join the Discord Here!

Again I hope that you all accept my apology for being neglectful here, but there is a lot going on in the Blasphemous Pope Cathedral!

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